
Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Selamat tinggal tahun 2013

Selamat tinggal tahun 2013...
Tahun yg sgt mematangkan aku... tahun yg sgt memberikan aku pengalaman hidup. .tahun yang penuh kejutan. ..
Hmmm.. yg mana perlu aku dulukan coretan hari ni.. sebenarnya ingin ku ingat memori indah sahaja dan letakkan noktah pada pengalaman pahit tu.. tp x indahlah hidup klu aku delete mcm tu sahaja..
Awal tahun dimulakan dgn kisah paling tragis.. tp sememangnya aku redha.. bkn jodoh aku dgn dia.. ketentuan ilahi jd menanti dgn sabar. .janji Allah itu pasti. .
Secara sukarela juga aku berpeluang menaiki pesawat Charlie semasa menghantar seorang pesakitku pulang ke sarawak.. paling extreme la pengalaman ni bila aku merentasi laut tnpa dokumen pengesahan sah.. nasib baju putih line biru aku jd penyelamat. . Boleh la balik semenanjung naik MAS.. satu pengalaman yg xkn dpt dilupakan... sampi disna sehelai sepinggang. . Bersyukur ade rakan di hospital sarawak serta bekas donor stem cell sudi membantu aku sepanjang aku berada disana.. malah Dr consultant haematology jga ada bertanya kabar melalui telefon. . Jga rakan2 ward ku..sentiasa menanyakan keadaan di sana.. alhamdulillah. .aku dikelilingi colleague yg sgt berhati mulia. Bertapa aku dihargai sebenarnya. ..

Di pertengahan tahun sekali lg ku diuji. . Allah memberi ujian tahap kesabaranku bila aku difitnah tentang keikhlasan ku yg ingin mengambil berat telah disalah erti oleh dia. Tuhan maha adil. Ada saksi kejadian.. xpa.. sesungguhnya aku bukan seorang manusia yg suka menyimpan dendam.. walau bnyk kabar buruk tentangku aku berserah kerana bg aku org yg baik adalah yg mendengar drpd kedua belah pihak. .aku pekakkan tlinga.. aku balas pandangan sinis mereka dgn senyuman.. aku tidak suka mencari musuh.. adik..aku maafkn kamu.. Lillahhi. . Semoga awk bahagia di tempat kerja baru.. tuhan itu adilkn.. segalanya telah dirancang dgn baik..
Ibu serta ayahku ditimpa ujian juga.. sesungguhnya aku lemah..aku tidak mampu mendengar walau kabar demam pon dri mereka. . Dengki si pendengki hanya Allah yg dpt membalas. . Semoga anda yg berniat jahat ke atas keluargaku diberi petunjuk oleh Allah.. alhamdulillah aku bersyukur kini emak dan ayahku kembali menjalankan rutin harian. .cuma ayahku yg masih perlu berulang ke hospital selayang. . Xpe..ayah xperlu risau.. org ada.. sentiasa ada kerna budi membesarkan org xmampu dibalas..

Agaknya apa pula dapt disimpulkan daripada gambar diatas. . Baru je kejadian ni berlaku kapada aku dan rakan sekerja. . Apa yg boleh ku simpulkan mereka yg tidak bekerja di department kami..tidak berdiri diatas kaki kami mmg mudah mengeluarkan fatwa kepada kmi.. siapala kmi untuk melawan..nanti dilabel kurang ajar. .diberi notis pula. .hanya kesabaran yg tinggi untuk meneruskan khidmat kepada masyarakat ni. .
Apa yg aku mampu buat adalah berjanji dgn hati bahawa aku tidak sesekali seperti 'mereka' jika aku berada diatas pula suatu hari nanti kerana aku jga pernah menjd mereka. .aku juga merasa apa yg mereka rasa.aku juga benci melihat air muka sebegitu.. mmg hanya segelintir. .tp pepatah Melayu ada mengatakan kerana nila setitik rosak susu sebelanga. . In sya Allah .. suatu hari nanti aku ingin mengubah sistem kejururawatan ini kearah yg lebih baik. .cuma aku butuh kalian untuk sama-sama berjuang... bkn untuk tunjuk hebat..bukan untuk buktikan kesalahan cuma ingin menjdkn sistem kejururawatan lebih telus..lebih gah..

Semoga tahun 2014 membawa satu lembaran baru buat aku.. tidak perlu aku azam baru kerana telah kulafazkan azam semasa maal hijrah bulan yg lalu.... aku cuma mahu menjd insan yg lebih baik drpd tahun sebelumnua..lebih matang dalam membuat keputusan. ..lebih santun kepada keluarga. .lebih ikhlas berbakti kepada masyarakat...lebih sempurna sebagai sahabat. ..lebih bnyk memberi daripada menerima... serta menjd hamba yg lebih bertaqwa. ..amin

Selamat datang 2014. ..
Selamat tinggal tahun 2013. ...

Hari ini musuh tidak lagi tinggal di dalam selimut, Duri tidak menyorok di dalam daging untuk membalas dendam...
Sentiasa berwaspada....

posted from Bloggeroid

Monday, 30 December 2013

Prevention And Detection Of Cancer

● reduce or avoid exposure to known or suspected carcinogens and cancer-promoting agents, including cigarette smoke and sun exposure.
● eat a balanced diet that includes vegetables (green, yellow and orange), fresh fruit, whole grain and adequate amount of fibre, and reduce the amount of fat and preservative, including smoke and salt-cured meats.
● participate in the regular exercise regiment
● obtain adequate, consistent period of rest (at least 6 to 8 hours per night)
● have a health examination on a regular basis that includes a health history, a physical examination, and specific diagnostic tests for comments cancer in accordance with the guidelines published
● eliminate, reduce, or change the perception of stressor and enhance the ability to effectively cope with stressor.
● enjoy consistent period of relaxation and leisure.
● know the seven signs of cancer
◇ C hange in bowel or bladder habits
◆ A sore that does not heal
◇ U nusual bleeding or discharge
◆ T hinckening or a lump elsewhere
◇ I ndigestion @ difficult in swallowing
◆ O bvious change in a wart or mole
◇ N agging cough or hoarseness
(These actually detect fairly advanced disease)
● learn and practice self-examination.
● seek immediate medical care if you notice in change in what is normal for you and if cancer os suspected. Early detection of cancer has a positive impact on prognosis.

Eat more healthier food instead of fast food

Sharing from my friend on instagram.. believe or not it's your choices..

Sharing is caring. ..

Manusia tanpa pengetahuan tidak salah jika dibandingkan dengan mayat..peace
posted from Bloggeroid

Jadual gaji tahun 2014

2013 bakal melabuhkan tirainya. . Tinggal 2 hari sahaja lg...
Apabila diimbau kembali begitu bnyk perit getir suka duka sepanjang tahun ini. . Alhamdulillah... Allah masih memberikan kesempatan untuk aku berbakti kepada masyarakat. ..
Hai...klu nak hitung satu satu suka duka sepanjang tahun ini punya kehidupan kerja, mahu makan sepanjang hari aku menulis..
Yg buruk sama kt jdkn tauladan..yg baik kt jdkan pula lebih sempurna. ..
Jadual gaji tahun 2014 sudah lama pon sampai pekelilingnya.. mari kt rancang tatacara tahun hadapan pula..hihihi... yela.. ble PM kt sengaja beri bantuan khas tu tahun hadapan kenala phm2kn jgk..

Mari kt bersama menjd pkerja yg lebih cemerlang gemilang dan terbilang untuk agama bangsa dan negara kita yang tercinta. ... tanamkan niat kerja dgn penuh keikhlasan dan tanggungjawab bukan kerna gaji semata. . Pandang mata mak ayah kt.. adik beradik kt..suamai isteri atau anak kt.. In sya Allah kt akn berusaha keras bkerja bersungguh demi mencari rezeki untuk mereka. .

Ye... aku mengerti sana sini rakyat mengeluh tentang isu kenaikan harga barang...minyak.. .tol..gst lg.. cuma satu kt ingat jgn kerana cakap kosong kt menjdkn kt tidak bersyukur pula nanti..
Ukur baju dibadan sendr...
Beg LV mampu dibeli..jam tangan rolex sentiasa disarungkan. pula sentiasa up to date ikut keluaran terkini. . Tp kicap naik pula yg kt hebohkan. . Xke pelik tu..
Hairan bertambah lg ble gaji naik double serta bonus setiap tahun diberi. .tp status fb lebih bnyk di update tntang isu kenaikan harga ayam... aiyoooo xkn kt je nk hidop sng bang... penyembelih ayam jgk nak merasa pkai iphone 5s..
Tp aku jg berfikir untuk mereka yg kais pg makan pg. .kais ptg makan ptg.. jika mereka yg update status..jika mereka yg bersuara. .mmg selayaknya..mmg kerajaan perlu mengambil langkah untuk meningkatkan pendapatan mereka jua seiring peningkatan harga barang. .tetapi yg lantang suaranya.. yg terupdate status maki hamunnya lebih kepada insan-insan yg sarapan dimcd..lunch di kfc..dinner di klcc..
Aku hanya member pendapat berdasarkan org sekeliling ku.. mcm2 ragam. . Itu sahaja. juz my 2 sen opinion. .
Kt masih mampu bercuti ke seluruh negara.. kt masih mampu.. ape la sgt berkorban sedikit untuk negara.. kerana ye..kt yg mampu ni masih mampu..
Mmg ada..mmg masih ramai yg tidak berkemampuan. .tetapi status fb..Twitter. ..jerit pekik itu semua bkn untuk dri sendrkn... kerana mereka yg xmampu sedang menggunakan tulang 4 kerat serta tenaga yg ada untuk mencari nafkah..bkn mengupdated status menggunakn samsung galaxy or ipad...sambil mengunyah pizza..
Mari bersama kt lebih bersyukur. .ddk di bumi Malaysia yg masih aman.. kenapa masih..kerana masih ada yg mahu melihat kt berpecah belah.. ketepikan agenda politik...cari strategy yg bagus..cuba lg 5 tahun..terima seadanya. .xperlu bertikam lidah menunjuk perasaan...jgn cemarkn imej Malaysia. . Kt mahu dunia kenal kt sebagai negara berbilang kaum yg aman..
Harap mengerti.. tunjukkn contoh tauladan yg baik kepada ank cucu yg bakal memimpin Malaysia kelak..

 Tanggungjawab orang kaya
Mengikut ajaran islam,  sesiapa yang ada kelebihan berbanding orang lain, sama ada harta atau wang ringgit mereka mempunyai kewajipan dan tanggungjawab yang lebih terhadap masyarakat.  Di antara kewajipan dan tanggungjawab orang kaya kepada masyarakat ialah; 
  1. Bersyukur dgn segala kemewahan dan kesenangan yang diberikan oleh Allah s.w.t
  2. Mereka wajib mengeluarkan zakat harta apabila cukup nisab dan sampai haulnya iaitu setiap setahun sekali sebanyak 2.5%.
  3. Menunaikan tanggungjawab daripada kekayaan untuk keperluan semasayg mendatang atau yang terdesak seperti; - 
          > jika negara diserang musuh,  wajib mereka menggunakan duitnya untuk membeli peralatan senjata.  Lebih-lebih lagi jika diminta oleh kerajaan. 
          > negara berhadapan dengan zaman kemelesetan,  wajib mereka membantu negara. 
          > sekiranya kerajaan mengarahkan agar mereka membuat sesuatu perkara dem kepentingan umum kerana negara sudah tidak mampu lagi,  wajib mereka menunaikannya. 
  1. Melibatkan diri dgn kerja2 dakwah dan jihat ke jalan Allah s.w.t.  membantu perkembangan agama islam seperti menghulurkan bantuan serta sumbangan untuk membina sekolah agama,  pusat tahfiz dan sebagainya. 
  2. Rajin dan memperbanyakkan sedekah untuk membantu orang yang susah serta memerlukan. 
  3. Bersifat merendah diri kepada orang ramai.  Kerana orang kaya yang merendah diri sangat memberi kesan kepada orang ramai.  Orang ramai akan insaf dan malu. Maka mudahlah mereka dididik ke arah kebaikan.
                           (Sumber dari majalah iman bil 23)

Sekadar renungan kita.. ayuh berfikir sejenak situasi ini........

Semoga Malaysia masih aman dan terus aman.. amin
posted from Bloggeroid

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Permudahkanlah segalanya ya Allah

Kanak-kanak riang mengutip ikan yg menyerah diri ke darat beberapa hari lepas. ... ape perancanganMu ya Allah. .
Permudahkanlah segalanya bagi kami.. jauhkan musibah dr tanah bumi Malaysia bertuah ini..

Pg td pula kejadian ni.. sbb kerja shift petang rini lepas subuh td tidur balik.. terbangun sbb dgr bunyi angin yg sgt kuat..bunyi kuat kerana angin cuba lolos dr sliding door..alhamdulillah keadaan kembali tenang..

Angin dr sini.. dari bukit ampang tu..klu berdr kat sini mmg terasa kne tolak dgn angin

Ranting pokok dan daun pon boleh nmpk arah angin serta kelajuannya

Keadaan menghala ke Kl pula sgt tenang..xde angin pon..cuma awan tebal.. kurang jelas kl tower n Klcc

Ya Allah. .sungguh agung kuasaMu..
Apakah tanda kecil yg Engkau kirimkan...

Mari kt menjd insan yg lebih baik dr semlm..jd hamba yg benar benar bertaqwa..


posted from Bloggeroid

Friday, 27 December 2013

Ibu, emak, mama, mummy, ma, bonda, umi

Ada pepatah mengatakan "seorang ibu mampu menjaga 10 orang anaknya. .tetapi 10 orang anaknya belum tentu dapat menjaga seorang ibunya. ."

Redha Allah bergantung pada redha ibu bapa dan murka Allah bergantung pada murka ibu bapa



> "dan kami perintahkan kepada manusia (berbuat baik) kepada kedua ibu bapa, ibunya telah mengandungkannya dalam keadaan lemah yg bertambah tambah, dan menyusuinya selama 2 tahun, bersyukurlah kepadaKU dan kepada kedua ibu bapa mu, hanya kepada-Kulah kembalimu"
(Surah luqman: 14)

> "dan kami wajibkan manusia berbuat baik kepada kedua ibu bapanya; ibunya telah mengandungkannya dgn menanggung susah payah dan melahirkan dgn menanggung susuah payah. Sedang tempoh mengandung nya beserta dgn tempoh berceraikan susunya ialah dalam masa 30 bulan. Setelah ia besar sampi ke peringkat umur 40 tahun, berdoalah ia dgn berkata "wahai tuhanku, ilhamkanlah daku supaya tetap bersyukur akan NikmatMu dan engkai kurniakan kepadaku dan kepada ibu bapa ku, dan supaya aku tetap mengerjakan amal soleh yang Engkau redahi; dan jadikan lah sifat sifat kebaikan meresap masuk ke dalam jiwa keturunanku. Sesungguhnya aku bertaubat KepadaMu, dan sesungguhnya aku dari orang orang islam (yg tunduk patuh KepadaMu)."
(Surah al-Ahqaf: 15-16)

>"Dan hendaklah kamu beribadat kepada Allah dan janganlah kamu sekutu kan Dia dgn sesuatu apa pun; dan hendaklah kamu berbuat baik kepada kedua ibu bapamu..."
(Surah an-Nisa : 36)

>"Dan tuhanmu telah perintahkan, supaya engkau tidak menyembah selain kepadaNya semata mata, dan janganlah engkau membuat baik kepada ibu bapa. Jika salah seorang daripada keduanya, atau kedua duanya sekali, sampai kepada umur tua dalam jagaan dan peliharaMu, maka janganlah engkau berkata (sebarang perkataan kasar) sekalipun perkataan"Ahh", dan janganlah engkau menengking menjerkah mereka, tetapi katakanlah kepada mereka perkataan yang mulia (yang sopan santun).
Dan hendaklah engkau merendah diri kepada keduanya kerana belas kasihan dan kasih sayangmu, dan doakanlah (untuk mereka dgn berkata) "wahai tuhanku! Cucurilah rahmat kepada mereka berdua sebagaimana mereka telah mencurahkan kasih sayangnya dan memelihara serta mendidik ku semasa kecil"
(Surah al-Israk :23-24)


>"Abu Hurairah ra berkata, "sesungguhnya datang berjumpa Rasulullah saw dan bertanya, 'siapakah manusia yang paling berhak aku layani dgn baik?' Rasulullah saw menjawab, 'ibumu'. Dia bertanya lagi 'kemudian siapa?' Rasulullah saw menjawab 'kemudian ibumu'. Dia bertanya lagi kemudian siapa?. Rasulullah saw menjawab, 'kemudian ibumu.' Dia bertanya lagi, 'kemudian siapa? '. Rasulullah saw menjawab lagi 'kemudian ayahmu'"
(Hadis riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)

> Abdullah bin Mas'ud melaporkan, "Aku bertanya kepada Rasulullah saw, amalan apakah yang dicintai oleh Allah? Baginda menjawab, 'solat pada waktunya' aku bertanya lagi, 'kemudian apa?, baginda menjawab berbakti kepada kedua ibu bapa. ' aku bertanya lagi,'kemudian apa?, baginda menjawab jihad di jalan Allah. "
(Hadis riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)

> Ibnu Umar ra melaporkan, Rasulullah saw bersabda "berbakti lah kepada ibu bapamu pasti anakmu akan berbakti kepadamu. Hendaklah kamu menjaga kehormatan, pasti isteri-isterimu akan menjaga kehormatan. "
(Hadis riwayat at-Tabrani dgn sanad hasan)

> Asma binti Abu Bakar ra melaporkan, "ibuku mendatangiku, sedangkan dia wanita musyik pada zaman Rasulullah saw. Maka aku meminta fatwa kepada Rasulullah saw dgn mengatakan 'ibuku menemuiku dan dia menginginkan aku berbuat baik kepadanya, apakah aku boleh menyambung hubungan dgn ibuku?' Rasulullah saw bersabda, "ya sambung lah hubungan dengan ibumu."
( Hadis riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)

> Dilaporkan oleh Ibnu Umar ra, seorang lelaki datang berjumpa Rasulullah saw dan berkata, "wahai Rasulullah saw, sesungguhnya aku ditimpa dosa yg besar, adakah ada pintu taubat bagiku? " maka baginda bertanya, apakah ibumu masih hidup? Dijawab "tiada". Bersabda baginda "ibu saudamu masih ada?" Dia berkata "ya" Bersabda Rasulullah saw "berbuat baiklah kepadanya, "
( Hadis riwayat Tirmizi)

> Abu Usaid Malik bin Rabi'ah as-Sa'idi ra melaporkan, " ketika kami sedang duduk dekat Rasulullah saw tiba-tiba datang seorang lelaki daripada suku bani Salamah berkata " wahai Rasulullah saw, adakah masih ada sesuatu yang aku dapat lajukan untuk berbaki kedua ibu bapaku setelah kedua duanya meninggal?" Baginda bersabda "ya, dengan mendoakan kedua duanya, meminta ampun untuk mereka, menunaikan janji mereka, menyambung persaudaraan yang tidak disambung kecuali kerana mereka dan memuliakan kawan mereka,"
(Hadis riwayat Abu Daud, Ibnu Majah, dan Ibnu Hibban di dalam sahihnya)

Sungguh banyak jasa dan pengorbanan mu mak & ayah. . X dapat org nak balas. .
Semoga keluarga kt sentiasa dalam rahmat Allah. .amin

♥♡♥ u

posted from Bloggeroid


The world grows better year by year,
Because some nurse in her little sphere,
Puts on her uniform, smile and sing,
And keep on doing the same old things,
Taking temperature, giving the pills,
To remedy mankind's rumours ill.

Feeding the baby, answering the bells,
Being polite with heart that rebels,
Longing for home, and all while,
Wearing the same professional smile. .

Blessing the newborn babies 1st breath,
Closing the eyes that are still in death,
Taking the blame of many mistake,
Oh! Dear, what a lot of patience it takes.

Going off duty at seven o'clock?,
Tired, discouraged and ready to drop,
But called to stay back till eight fifteen,
With woe in her heart which must not be seen. ..

Morning and evening, noon and night,
Just doing it over and hoping its right,
When we lays down our head to think,
Public always make our heart sink,
We don't want a medal to be pinned,
But just treat us a HUMAN BEING......

posted from Bloggeroid

Diet Guidelines for Immunosuppressed Patients

Persons with decreased immune function due to chemotherapy and radiation therapy are at increased risk of developing a food-related infection. The purpose of this diet is to help you avoid specific foods that are more likely to contain infection-causing organisms while allowing maximum healthy food choices. This diet should be followed before and after all conditioning therapy (chemotherapy and/or radiation).

For autologous transplant patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment only: follow this diet during the first three months after chemotherapy or transplant.
For allogenic transplant patients: follow the diet until you are off all immunosuppressive therapy such as cyclosporine, prednisone, FK-506 (Tacrolimus®) or MMF (CellCept®).
Prior to the end of these time periods, patients and their caregivers should talk to their physician and dietitian regarding whether or not to continue any part of the diet.

May eat
v  All pasteurized, grade “A” milk and milk products including eggnog, yogurt, ice cream, frozen yogurt, sherbet, ice cream bars, milkshakes, processed cheese slices and spreads, cream cheese, cottage cheese and ricotta cheese
v  Dry, refrigerated, or frozen pasteurized whipped topping
v  Commercially packaged hard and semi-soft cheeses such as cheddar, mozzarella, parmesan, Swiss, Monterey Jack, etc.
v  Cooked soft cheeses such as brie, camembert, feta, farmer’s cheese *
v  Commercially sterile ready-to-feed and liquid-concentrate infant formulas (avoid powdered infant formulas if a ready-to-feed or liquid concentrate alternative is available)
*Though not completely risk free, the risk of contracting food borne illness from COOKED soft cheeses is low
Do not eat
v  Non-pasteurized or raw milk and milk products made from non-pasteurized or raw milk.
v  Cheeses from delicatessens
v  Cheese containing chili peppers or other uncooked vegetables
v  Cheeses with molds (such as blue, Stilton, Roquefort, gorgonzola)
v  Mexican-style soft cheese such as queso fresco, queso blanco

 May eat
v  All meats cooked to well done (see temperature guide attached) or canned meats (beef, pork, lamb, poultry, fish, shellfish, game, ham, bacon, sausage, hot dogs)
v  Eggs cooked until both white and yolk are firm
v  Pasteurized eggs and egg substitutes (such as Egg Beaters®), and powdered egg white (all can be used uncooked)
v  Commercially-packaged salami, bologna, hot dogs, ham and other luncheon meats, heated until steaming
v  Canned and shelf-stable1 smoked fish (refrigerate after opening)
v  Pasteurized or cooked tofu2
v  Refrigerated smoked seafood such as salmon or trout if cooked to 160°F or contained in a cooked dish or casserole
Do not eat
v  Raw or undercooked meat, poultry, fish, game, tofu1
v  Raw or undercooked eggs and non-pasteurized egg substitutes; no eggs over easy, soft-boiled eggs, or poached eggs.
v  Meats and cold cuts from delicatessens
v  Hard cured salami in natural wrap
v  Uncooked refrigerated smoked seafood such as salmon or trout labeled as “nova-style,” “lox,” “kippered,” “smoked” or “jerky”
v  Pickled fish
v  Tempe (tempeh) products

May eat
v  Well washed3 raw and frozen fruit; foods containing well washed raw fruits
v  Cooked, canned and frozen fruit
v  Pasteurized juices and frozen juice concentrates
v  Dried fruits
v  Canned or bottled roasted nuts
v  Shelled, roasted nuts and nuts in baked products
v  Commercially-packaged nut butters (such as peanut butter, almond butter
Do not eat
v  Unwashed raw fruits
v  Unroasted raw nuts
v  Roasted nuts in the shell
v  Non-pasteurized fruit and vegetable juices
v  Fresh fruit salsa found in the grocery refrigerator case
v  Non-pasteurized items containing raw fruits found in the grocery refrigetor case

May eat
v  All cooked entrees and soups
Do not eat
v  All miso products (such as miso soup and miso paste)
1 Shelf-stable refers to unopened canned, bottled, or packaged food products that can be stored before opening at room temperature; container may require refrigeration after opening
2 Aseptically packaged, shelf-stable tofu and pasteurized tofu do not need to be boiled. Unpasteurized tofu must be cut into 1-inch cubes or smaller, and boiled a minimum of five minutes in water or broth before eating or using in recipes.
3 Rinse under clean, running water before use, including produce that is to be cooked or peeled (such as bananas, oranges and melon

May eat
v  Well washed3 raw and frozen vegetables
v  All cooked fresh, frozen or canned vegetables, including potatoes
v  Shelf-stable1 bottled salsa (refrigerate after opening)
v  Cooked vegetable sprouts (such as mung bean sprouts)
v  Fresh, well washed3 herbs and dried herbs and spices (added to raw or cooked food
Do not eat
v  Unwashed raw vegetables or herbs
v  Fresh, non-pasteurized vegetable salsa found in the grocery refrigerator case
v  Non-pasteurized items containing raw vegetables found in the grocery refrigerator case
v  All raw vegetable sprouts (alfalfa sprouts, clover sprouts, mung bean sprouts, all others)
v  Salads from delicatessens 

May eat
v  All breads, bagels, rolls, English muffins, muffins, pancakes, sweet rolls, waffles, French toast
v  Potato chips, corn chips, tortilla chips, pretzels, popcorn
v  Cooked grains and grain products, including pasta and rice
v  All cereals, cooked and ready-to-eat
Do not eat
v  Raw (not baked or cooked) grain products (such as raw oats)

May eat
v  Boiled well water4 
v  Tap water and ice made from tap water
v  Commercially-bottled distilled, spring and natural waters5 
v  All canned, bottled and powdered beverages
v  Instant and brewed coffee and tea; cold brewed tea made with boiling water
v  Herbal teas brewed from commercially-packaged tea bags
v  Commercial nutritional supplements, both liquid and powdered
v  Commercially sterile ready-to-feed and liquid-concentrate infant formulas (avoid powdered infant formulas if a ready-to-feed or liquid concentrate alternative is available)
Do not eat
v  Unboiled well water
v  Cold-brewed tea made with warm or cold water
v  Non-pasteurized fruit and vegetable juices
v  Mate´ tea
v  Wine, unpasteurized beer
v  (Note: All alcoholic beverages should only be consumed following physician approval.)
4 Bring tap water to a rolling boil and boil for 15-20minutes. Store boiled water in the refrigerator. Discard water not used within 48 hours (2 days).
5 Recommend using boiled or bottled water if using a water service other than city water service. Please see Water Safety Guidelines in “Food Safety Guidelines”.
6 See Water Safety Guidelines in “Food Safety Guidelines” for approved bottled water treatments.  

May eat
v  Refrigerated commercial and homemade cakes, pies, pastries and pudding
v  Refrigerated cream-filled pastries
v  Cookies, both homemade and commercially prepared
v  Shelf-stable3 cream-filled cupcakes (such as Twinkies®, Ding Dongs®) and fruit pies (such as Poptarts® and Hostess® fruit pies)
v  Canned and refrigerated puddings
v  Ices, popsicles and similar products
v  Candy gum
Do not eat
v  Unrefrigerated cream-filled pastry products (not shelf-stable3)

May eat
v  Vegetable oils and shortening
v  Refrigerated lard, margarine, butter
v  Commercial, shelf-stable3 mayonnaise and salad dressings including Blue Cheese and other cheese-based salad dressings (refrigerate after opening)
v  Cooked gravy and sauces
Do not eat
v  Fresh salad dressings (stored in the grocer’s refrigerated case) containing raw eggs or cheeses listed as “Do Not Eat” under “Dairy”.

May eat
v  Commercial pasteurized Grade A honey7
v  Salt, granulated sugar, brown sugar
v  Jam, jelly, syrups (refrigerate after opening)
v  Catsup, mustard, BBQ sauce, soy sauce, other condiments (refrigerate after opening)
v  Pickles, pickle relish, olives (refrigerate after opening)
v  Vinegar
Do not eat
v  Raw honey; honey in the comb
v  Herbal and nutrient supplement preparations (refer to Guidelines for Use of Herbal and Nutrient Supplements in Patient & Caregiver Resource Manual)
v  Brewers yeast, if uncooked
7 Honey products are not allowed for any child less than one year of age and not allowed for children with SCIDS until 9 months posttransplant.

 sharing is caring..

*sumber drpd Food Hutchinson Cancer research center University of Washington Children Hospital and Regional Medical center dan diedit sikit oleh sy... 

Thursday, 26 December 2013


Why should I be concerned about food safety?
When a food makes you sick, it is called a foodborne illness or food poisoning. You will need to take extra care to make sure your food is as safe as possible to prevent getting a foodborne illness.
A foodborne illness is a concern if your immune system is weak or if you undergo a bone marrow or stem cell transplantation.


When is food unsafe to eat?
Food can be unsafe to eat when bacteria and other microorganisms, called pathogens, grow on it. You will not be able to see, smell or taste bacteria or pathogens in the food.
Sources of bacteria and other pathogens may be from:
  •  the person making or handling the food
  •  the environment (where the food is grown)
  •  the food itself may be “going bad”
Usually, bacteria levels are low enough that they are not a risk to the average person. But, if your immune system is weak or you have undergone a bone marrow or stem cell transplantation, you may be at a higher risk for infection. You must be sure that the food you eat is safe.
By following safe food handling habits you can decrease your risk of getting sick from the food.

What do I look for at the grocery store?
At the grocery store look for:

Canned or packaged foods
  •  Buy cans or jars that are free of dents, cracks, bulges, leaks and rust.
  •  Check that packaged and boxed foods are properly sealed
Fresh food
  • Make sure eggs are not cracked or broken and have been refrigerated.
  •  Select fruits and vegetables without spots or soft spots.
  • Avoid deli foods such as cold cuts and salads.
  •  In the bakery, avoid cream and custard containing desserts and pastries that are not in a refrigerator or freezer.
  • Check the "best before" dates on dairy products and avoid buying items on or near this date.
  • Buy foods that state "packaged on" the day that you buy them such as meat and cheese.
  • Check packaging date on fresh meats, poultry and seafood. Check for strange smells, mould or insect contamination.
  • Check "sell by" and "use by" dateS
  • Avoid foods from bulk bins.
  • Avoid tasting free food samples.
  • Purchase frozen and refrigerated foods last, especially during the summer months.
  • During the warmer months, use a cooler with ice packs to transport frozen and refrigerated foods home from the grocery store.
  • Store groceries promptly; never leave food in a hot car. Cold and hot food should never be kept at room temperature longer than 2 hours.

What foods do I need to avoid?
The foods listed below could have high levels of bacteria.

Raw or uncooked food:
  •  Fish such as sushi, sashimi, ceviche and cold smoked lox.
  • Shellfish such as oysters.
  • Meat such as steak tartare or any other raw meats including pork or chicken.
  • Eggs used in caesar salad dressing, homemade ice cream, homemade egg nog, and cookie and cake batters.
  • Raw fruit with a rough texture, such as raspberries.
  • Raw uncooked grain products.
  • Raw nuts and nuts roasted in the shell.
  • Raw, undercooked brewer’s yeast
  • Raw vegetable sprouts such as bean and alfalfa.

Other foods to avoid:
  • Non-pasteurized honey, milk, cheese, yogurt, vegetable and fruit juice (apple cider) and beer (homemade or micro-brewed).
  • Non-refrigerated cream and mayonnaise based foods such as tuna or macaroni salad, custards, puddings, cream sauces, kefir or other egg dishes.
  • Mate tea.
  • Deli meats, hot dogs and preserved meats.
  • Well water, unless tested regularly and found safe.
How do I keep my food safe at home?
Use the following guidelines to reduce your risk of infection at home:
Personal care
• Wash hands with soap and warm water for 20 seconds before and after handling food.
• Wash your hands again when you switch from one food to another.
• Wash hands before eating, especially when eating finger foods and other hand-held foods.
• Wash hands after using the washroom, handling garbage, touching pets, sneezing, coughing, blowing your nose, smoking, touching dirty cutting boards or dirty dishes.

Work surfaces and kitchen equipment
  • Use separate cutting boards for cooked and raw foods. Use a different colour cutting board for each use. For example, use:
  • - a red cutting board for raw meats
  • - a yellow cutting board for cooked meats, and
  • - a green cutting board for fruits and vegetables.
  • After contact with raw meat, fish or chicken, rinse cutting boards, counter tops and utensils in hot soapy water and sanitize. Sanitize using a spray bottle that contains 5 ml of household bleach and 750 ml of water. Rinse with clean water and use a clean towel to dry or airdry. Use two plates; one to carry the raw meat to the BBQ, and the other to bring the cooked meat to the table.
  • Clean food particles from kitchen appliances such as microwave oven, toaster, can openers, blenders and mixer blades. Remove the blender blades and bottom\ when washing the glass. Use a bleach solution to sanitize these items.
  • Keep counter and kitchen surfaces free of food particles.
Sink area
  • Use a liquid soap for hand washing.
  • Use paper towels for drying hands instead of a dish or hand towel.
  • Replace dishcloths and dish towels daily.
  • Sanitize dishcloths daily in a bleach solution.
  • Do not use sponges as they are a breeding ground for bacteria.
  • Do not store food supplies under the sink. Do not store chemicals and cleaning solutions near the food supplies.
  • Use a liquid dish soap when hand washing dishes and pans.

What is the safest way to cook food?

  • Thaw meat, fish, or poultry in the refrigerator or microwave in a dish to catch the drips. Use defrosted foods right away.
Do not refreeze.
  • Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly under running water before peeling and cutting.
  • Wash tops of cans before opening and do not use if top of can is rusty.
  • Cook meat until it is no longer pink. Red meats should becooked to an internal temperature of 74°C or 165°F, poultry to 82°C or 180°F and fish to 70°C or 158°F.
  • Cook ground meats until well done. Meats are done when they are gray or brown and the juices run clear. There should be no signs of pink in the meat.
  • Keep food at safe holding temperatures. Use a thermometer
Safe holding temperatures are:
Hot foods Keep to an internal temperature above 60°C or 140°F.
Cold foods Keep to an internal temperature below 5°C or 41°F.
  • Cook eggs for at least 3 minutes. The yolks must be cooked through and hard.
  • When using the BBQ, precook meats in a microwave or frying pan to make sure they are cooked through.
  • While preparing food, do not taste the food with the same utensil used for stirring.
  • Never leave high risk or perishable food out of the refrigerator for over 2 hours. Egg dishes and cream and mayonnaise based foods should not be left out of the fridge for more than 1 hour.
  • Cook tofu by cutting into 1” cubes and boil for 5 minutes before eating or adding to a stir-fry.
  • Never taste food that looks or smells strange.
Microwave cooking
  • Microwave cooking can leave cold spots in food where bacteria can grow. To avoid this, rotate the dish a ¼ turn once or twice during cooking if there is no turntable on the appliance.
  • Cook foods in the microwave to an internal temperature of 88°C or 190°F.
  • When heating leftovers, do not use plastic bowls or wrap unless they are labelled as microwave safe. Stir several times during re-heating.
Slow cooker
  • Do not use slow cookers. In slow cookers, food is cooked for a long time at temperatures deal for bacteria to grow.
Fridge and freezer
Throw out:
  • Eggs with cracked shells.
  • Food older that the "use by" expiration dates.
  • All prepared foods after 24 hours.
  • Entire food packages or containers with any signs of mould present. This includes yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese, fruit, vegetables, jelly, bread and pastry products.
  • Foods with freezer burn or mould.
  •  Keep raw foods such as meat, chicken and fish away from ready to eat foods. Store them in their own containers or plastic bags.
  • Store all leftover food in covered containers after cooling. Hot foods need to be put in the refrigerator uncovered to cool. Once cooled, cover the container and make sure the covers are sealed tightly.
  • Divide large amounts of leftovers into small, shallow containers for quick cooling in the refrigerator.
  • Keep leftovers in the refrigerator no longer than 24 hours.
  • Clean up spills right away.
  • Keep shelves and doors sanitized.
Cupboards and pantry:
  • Throw out and do not taste food in bulging, leaking or cracked cans or cans dented in the seam area.
  • Rotate food stock so older items are used first. Keep track of expiration dates.
  • Keep cupboards clean. Watch for signs of insects or rodents.
  • If you use home-canned foods, look for mold and leaks. Check seals. Look for signs of improper processing such as a bulging lid or food that has a bad smell or looks strange after opening

If in doubt, throw it out.

How long can safely store food in the fridge or freezer?
Use this chart as a guide to find out how long you can safely store food in the fridge and freezer

types of food fridge freezer
Eggs  3 weeks  do not freeze
Cheese - firm  2 to 3 months  3 months
Fruits and vegetables  5 to 7 days  1 year
Beef such as roasts,steak 2 to 3 days  10 to 12 months
Chicken and turkey  2 to 3 days  6 to 12 months
Hamburgers and sausages 1 to 2 days  2 to 3 months
Lamb, pork and veal 3 to 5 days 8 to 12 months
Bacon  1 week  1 month
Hotdogs, mets opened 3 to 7 days 1 to 2 months
Ham  1 week  1 to 2 months
Fish  3 to 4 days  1 month

Can I eat at restaurants?

NEVER Yes, you can eat at a restaurant. These guidelines will help you to keep the food you eat safe:
  • Eat early to avoid crowds.
  • Select restaurants with a reputation for cleanliness.
  • Ask that food be prepared fresh in fast food establishments.
  • Ask for single-serving condiment packages. Avoid self-serve bulk condiment containers.
  • Avoid salad bars, delis, buffets and smorgasbords, sidewalk vendors, pot luck meals, and soft-serve ice cream, milkshake or yogurt machines.

Be careful when travelling or keeping food outdoors. Pack foods in a cooler with ice packs to prevent growth of bacteria

TO BE CONTINEU......... WAIT AR.....

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