● eat a balanced diet that includes vegetables (green, yellow and orange), fresh fruit, whole grain and adequate amount of fibre, and reduce the amount of fat and preservative, including smoke and salt-cured meats.
● participate in the regular exercise regiment
● obtain adequate, consistent period of rest (at least 6 to 8 hours per night)
● have a health examination on a regular basis that includes a health history, a physical examination, and specific diagnostic tests for comments cancer in accordance with the guidelines published
● eliminate, reduce, or change the perception of stressor and enhance the ability to effectively cope with stressor.
● enjoy consistent period of relaxation and leisure.
● know the seven signs of cancer
◇ C hange in bowel or bladder habits
◆ A sore that does not heal
◇ U nusual bleeding or discharge
◆ T hinckening or a lump elsewhere
◇ I ndigestion @ difficult in swallowing
◆ O bvious change in a wart or mole
◇ N agging cough or hoarseness
(These actually detect fairly advanced disease)
● learn and practice self-examination.
● seek immediate medical care if you notice in change in what is normal for you and if cancer os suspected. Early detection of cancer has a positive impact on prognosis.
Eat more healthier food instead of fast food

Sharing from my friend on instagram.. believe or not it's your choices..

Sharing is caring. ..
Manusia tanpa pengetahuan tidak salah jika dibandingkan dengan mayat..peace
posted from Bloggeroid

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